The most popular questions about the raw food diet.
What is raw food?
Raw foods are living foods that have never been heated past 118 degrees. Because they have never been heated, they retain all their nutrients and enzymes. They are based on unprocessed, uncooked and often organic plant foods.
What is the difference between living foods and raw foods?
Raw foods and living foods both contain enzymes, but the enzyme count is much higher in living foods due to the sprouting process (soaking in water) which removes enzyme inhibitors for easier digestion. Raw, unsprouted nuts for example, contain enzymes in a dormant state.
What is sprouting?
Sprouting is a process where you soak, drain and rinse seeds in regular intervals until they germinate or sprout. Some foods and seeds have different sprouting times than others. Please refer to the sprouting page for more information.
What does the raw food diet consist of?
Raw foods consist of foods that stem from the plant to the plate. Some of these foods are uncooked fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds and grains. Also, included are; seaweed and marine plants, edible flowers, sprouts, roots, natural herbs and spices.
What is raw food?
Raw foods are living foods that have never been heated past 118 degrees. Because they have never been heated, they retain all their nutrients and enzymes. They are based on unprocessed, uncooked and often organic plant foods.
What is the difference between living foods and raw foods?
Raw foods and living foods both contain enzymes, but the enzyme count is much higher in living foods due to the sprouting process (soaking in water) which removes enzyme inhibitors for easier digestion. Raw, unsprouted nuts for example, contain enzymes in a dormant state.
What is sprouting?
Sprouting is a process where you soak, drain and rinse seeds in regular intervals until they germinate or sprout. Some foods and seeds have different sprouting times than others. Please refer to the sprouting page for more information.
What does the raw food diet consist of?
Raw foods consist of foods that stem from the plant to the plate. Some of these foods are uncooked fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds and grains. Also, included are; seaweed and marine plants, edible flowers, sprouts, roots, natural herbs and spices.
What is the difference between cooked food and raw
food health wise?
With raw and living foods you receive all the nutrients vital for the body to operate at an optimum level. With cooked foods, enzymes are destroyed when heating above 118 degrees. Enzymes are important because they are vital for all of the bodily functions. As we age, we deplete our natural source of enzymes, so living foods are a Godsend. Cooked foods are very addictive, and in many cases toxic. Foods now have been laced with heavy loads of hormones and additives that are not easy to digest, so our health issues are more dire.
Does a person have to be 100 percent raw to benefit?
No, you can still get great benefits if you are not 100 percent raw. It depends on the person. If you decide to become 50 to 90 percent raw, you will still receive wonderful results. It is best that you limit processed and junk foods. Sometimes it is extremely difficult being 100 percent raw due to busy schedules, difficult situations and stress. A little cooked food is not going to hurt you. You can be unhealthy on the raw food diet as well if you are not eating the right raw foods. Again, it depends on the individual.
Why would someone want to eat just raw food?
With raw and living foods you receive all the nutrients vital for the body to operate at an optimum level. With cooked foods, enzymes are destroyed when heating above 118 degrees. Enzymes are important because they are vital for all of the bodily functions. As we age, we deplete our natural source of enzymes, so living foods are a Godsend. Cooked foods are very addictive, and in many cases toxic. Foods now have been laced with heavy loads of hormones and additives that are not easy to digest, so our health issues are more dire.
Does a person have to be 100 percent raw to benefit?
No, you can still get great benefits if you are not 100 percent raw. It depends on the person. If you decide to become 50 to 90 percent raw, you will still receive wonderful results. It is best that you limit processed and junk foods. Sometimes it is extremely difficult being 100 percent raw due to busy schedules, difficult situations and stress. A little cooked food is not going to hurt you. You can be unhealthy on the raw food diet as well if you are not eating the right raw foods. Again, it depends on the individual.
Why would someone want to eat just raw food?
The most popular answer is health. Most of the people that embrace this diet claim great strides in improvements to their physical and mental status. Other benefits include more energy, weight loss, better immune system and detoxification.
Where do raw foodist get their protein?
This is a very popular questions. First of all, every living plant cell has protein. A lot of people think that meat and dairy are the only forms of protein. Your body does not use whole proteins, it must break these down into amino acids. Plant protein generally breaks down more quickly than animal protein. Plant protein is often found already in the form of amino acids.
Can you lose weight on a raw food diet?
Yes you can. People generally lose their extra weight when they consume unprocessed, live, high enzyme foods. It is more of a plus when the food is organic as it has no toxins to break down. These high quality foods provide nutrition without stressing the digestive system. The body then gets rid of stored fat and toxic materials.
What if I have health problems, can I still eat raw?
Yes you can. A lot of times it is very helpful due to the detoxification process and the pure nutritional value you get from raw foods. Most diseases and disorders stem from poor nutrition and toxic foods we consume. Raw foods aid the digestive system which help cleanse the body, rebuild the body and heal the body. As a caution, you should always check with your doctor before starting a raw food program especially if you are extremely ill or if you are not sure about the diet.
This is a very popular questions. First of all, every living plant cell has protein. A lot of people think that meat and dairy are the only forms of protein. Your body does not use whole proteins, it must break these down into amino acids. Plant protein generally breaks down more quickly than animal protein. Plant protein is often found already in the form of amino acids.
Can you lose weight on a raw food diet?
Yes you can. People generally lose their extra weight when they consume unprocessed, live, high enzyme foods. It is more of a plus when the food is organic as it has no toxins to break down. These high quality foods provide nutrition without stressing the digestive system. The body then gets rid of stored fat and toxic materials.
What if I have health problems, can I still eat raw?
Yes you can. A lot of times it is very helpful due to the detoxification process and the pure nutritional value you get from raw foods. Most diseases and disorders stem from poor nutrition and toxic foods we consume. Raw foods aid the digestive system which help cleanse the body, rebuild the body and heal the body. As a caution, you should always check with your doctor before starting a raw food program especially if you are extremely ill or if you are not sure about the diet.
Should I only eat organic foods?
It is best to eat only organic foods as the foods have not been compromised with pesticides, hormones, chemicals and bioengineering which are all devastating to the body. Studies have shown that organic foods are three times more nutritious than commercially grown foods. Also, organically grown foods taste ten times better than commercially grown foods.
How time consuming is raw food to prepare?
A lot of recipes take no more than 10 to 20 minutes to prepare. There are some recipes which are more involved with respect to the number of ingredients and the sprouting process. As you will see throughout the book, the food processor and the blender will do most of the work for you, thus, limiting your prep time. The longer you are on the diet, the more simple you will eat. The diet is a heaven send for really lazy people like myself.
Can I over eat on a raw food diet?
YES YOU CAN. As with any diet, you should stop eating when you are full. I always stress limiting nuts and fats because you can gain weight on this diet like any other diet. The key is to plan your meals and eat appropriate amounts. You will definitely fill more satisfied on this diet due to the nutritional value.
It is best to eat only organic foods as the foods have not been compromised with pesticides, hormones, chemicals and bioengineering which are all devastating to the body. Studies have shown that organic foods are three times more nutritious than commercially grown foods. Also, organically grown foods taste ten times better than commercially grown foods.
How time consuming is raw food to prepare?
A lot of recipes take no more than 10 to 20 minutes to prepare. There are some recipes which are more involved with respect to the number of ingredients and the sprouting process. As you will see throughout the book, the food processor and the blender will do most of the work for you, thus, limiting your prep time. The longer you are on the diet, the more simple you will eat. The diet is a heaven send for really lazy people like myself.
Can I over eat on a raw food diet?
YES YOU CAN. As with any diet, you should stop eating when you are full. I always stress limiting nuts and fats because you can gain weight on this diet like any other diet. The key is to plan your meals and eat appropriate amounts. You will definitely fill more satisfied on this diet due to the nutritional value.
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are biological assistants that consist of various kinds of proteins that help drive the chemical reaction required for nutrients. In a nut shell, enzymes assist with the digestion of foods and are known as the life force of food.
Why are enzymes important?
They are important because if you do not get the proper amount of enzymes, your body becomes acidic which causes toxicity in the body, disease and weight gain.
What kitchen utensils are needed to start the diet?
The three most important items that will be used on the raw food diet are a blender, food processor and dehydrator. If you do not have all three, you can get away with just a blender. Some people use their oven to dehydrate foods by turning the oven to the lowest heating level.
How to start a raw food diet?
Some people just go for it and consume only raw foods immediately; however, you do not have to act that drastically. You can start by consuming more fruits and vegetables in a gradual manner. For example, you can eat only fruits for breakfast the first month, and gradually incorporate a salad for lunch starting the second month and so on. Your detoxification will be milder if you take this approach.
Enzymes are biological assistants that consist of various kinds of proteins that help drive the chemical reaction required for nutrients. In a nut shell, enzymes assist with the digestion of foods and are known as the life force of food.
Why are enzymes important?
They are important because if you do not get the proper amount of enzymes, your body becomes acidic which causes toxicity in the body, disease and weight gain.
What kitchen utensils are needed to start the diet?
The three most important items that will be used on the raw food diet are a blender, food processor and dehydrator. If you do not have all three, you can get away with just a blender. Some people use their oven to dehydrate foods by turning the oven to the lowest heating level.
How to start a raw food diet?
Some people just go for it and consume only raw foods immediately; however, you do not have to act that drastically. You can start by consuming more fruits and vegetables in a gradual manner. For example, you can eat only fruits for breakfast the first month, and gradually incorporate a salad for lunch starting the second month and so on. Your detoxification will be milder if you take this approach.
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